Jan Braum, osobní stránky Úvod . České Budějovice . Novohradsko . Chalupaření . Literatura faktu . Bonsai . Podzemí |
Obsah: Birmingham Main Mike Sheridan & The Nightriders Denny Laine & The Diplomats Carl Wayne & The Vikings Idle Race The Move Electric Light Orchestra Jeff Lynne Kelly Groucutt Violinski No Cause For Alarm Stop Cloning About Whirling Dervish OrKestra ELO Part2 The Orchestra Wizzard 1 a 2 Wizzo Band Helicopters Roy Wood's Big Band Roy Wood's Army The Uglys Balls The Steve Gibbons Band The Moody Blues ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Stop Cloning About1980, Jet Records, Jet LP 232
Druhé Violinski album "Stop Cloning About" spatřilo světlo světa v roce 1980. Na rozdíl od jeho předchůdce bylo toto album pojato v tvrdším stylu, přesto lyričtější a muzikálnější. Hlavním vokalistou zde byl Michael De Albuquerque, zatímco u prvního alba jím byl John Marcangelo. Paula Manna nahradil Ian Whitmore. "Ruby Rhythms" startuje jako první se zastřenými tóny Michaela. Píseň byla vydána též jako singl. Další skladba, "Captain Dandy" zrychlí poněkud tempo, ačkoli vokály jsou trochu ztracené za hudbou. Mik odvádí svou hrou poctivou práci jako vždy! Dalšími jsou "Silent Love", pěkná, trochu záhadná a "Magic Man", jež dá vyniknout hlasovému talentu Mika ač ve vyšším akcentu. Rovněž vynikající. "What's Your Game" poskytne další příležitost "pohoupat se". První strana končí písní "The Drinking Song". Druhá strana začíná skladbou "Mirrored Mirror", opět nás hned na začátku rozhoupe. Druhá "Hide It" je jen průměrem s nevýraznými vokály. "See You In My Pillow" je další skladbou, tentokrát v orientálním stylu. Skladba "In The Distance" opět trochu v orientálním stylu byla vydána též jako singl, uvedený pod názvem "Scenario". "Clear Away" je další píseň Mika Kaminského. Jestli to zpívá on sám je těžké poznat, místy se slova ztrácejí jakoby utopená. Album končí písní "Home To Tea". Je to pohodová instrumentálka s přitažlivým Mikovým piccikatem. Stylem doprovodu připomíná trochu Supertrampy. Do téhle skladby se lze zamilovat! Stop Cloning About - Lyrics1980, Jet Records, Jet LP 232Produced by Mik Kaminski, John Marcangelo, John Hodgson Engineered by Mack Lyrics transcribed by Stephen Greenwood and Ray Murray * = Lyrics incomplete, ..?.. = cannot identify Ruby Rhythms * Down at Ruby Rhythms..?.. Seems he doesn't know what time of day or night it is When he's done Ruby..?.. I was fixing cars and dreaming 'bout guitars and Playing one night stands to all his rock'n'rolling friends he may get And rolling in the aisle Just like he's out to be good, he come from out of the wood To rock and roll - rock and roll We're down at Ruby Rhythms - We're down at Ruby Rhythms We're down at Ruby Rhythms - We're down at Ruby Rhythms Hear him playing with his band down Ruby Rhythms ..?..two by two by two by two by two by two..?.. Caught up in the act And like he's out to be good, he come from out of the wood To rock and roll - rock and roll We're down at Ruby Rhythms - We're down at Ruby Rhythms We're down at Ruby Rhythms - We're down at Ruby Rhythms (Marcangelo) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Dandy * Captain Dandy - all tired of being alone Quit the Navy - told himself that he should phone Though so long ago - how could she have known He'd be back today - she'd only hoped and prayed In the mirror - still a young girl full of laughter Cook the dinner - they'd be happy ever after Oh, the songs he sang - that's how they began She remembered Capatin Dandy's favourite tune Here it comes again City girls they're best You know that pretty girls they never show City girls they kiss you goodbye Pretty girls they never cry Back in town - in the crowded..?..bars Captain Dandy - and the friends pile in their cars Watch them do the rounds - one night on the town Listening to them singing Dandy's favourite song Here it comes again City girls they're best You know that pretty girls they never show City girls they kiss you goodbye Pretty girls they never cry Captain Dandy - all tired of being alone now Went back home - nothing left, he did not know how On the table just a note - and goodbye is all she wrote He sat down and started Sang his favourite song, here it comes again City girls they're best You know that pretty girls they never show City girls they kiss you goodbye Pretty girls they never cry (Hodgson) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Silent Love Silent love I stood there waiting for you after school Thinking from a distance I could be no fool But take it all in, silent love You came and took my heart and soul away Now I just wanna think about you night and day You me and my silent love You stand like a statue You know your position is too high and mighty for some I love the way you seem to be so unconcious Of what you're doing to this one Silent love I like to pitch you on the telephone You calling to me baby, I am so alone come on home, silent love I keep on telling myself every night That one day everything is gonna be alright You me and my silent love You stand like a statue You know your position is too high and mighty for some I love the way you seem to be so unconcious Of what you're doing to this one Silent love I never known a feeling hurt so bad To think of all the lovers that you must've had Yet it will be, silent love You're everything I ever thought you'd be But can not wait until the day that you are free Suffering in silent love Silent love - silent love - silent love... (De Albuquerque) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Man There's a hole in the wall which makes everything small There's a hole in the floor, but they still use the door There's a hole in the ceiling that was put there with feeling There's a hole in my head, what more needs to be said What more needs to be said There's a day in the week to pretend you're a freak There's a month in the year to be really sincere There's a note in the scale, that just wasn't a way There's a note in the chord, wants you all to applaud Wants you all to applaud Magic is everywhere (Magic Man) We need to make it happen There's always some magic to share (Magic Man) Believe and make it happen Colour and laughter are needed now, Think of the beauty around you Happy the things that give love to the world, they surround you Sun shining through, coming out of the blue Giving the light to sustain us Moonlight and love with a star to the right to unchain us Magic is everywhere (Magic Man) We need to make it happen There's always some magic to share (Magic Man) Believe and make it happen Magic man on the stage, leaves you all in a daze Magic man in the sky, keeps us all in his eye Magic man in your heart, gives a boot and his scarf Magic man in your mind, wants us all to be kind Wants us all to be kind Magic is everywhere (Magic Man) We need to make it happen There's always some magic to share (Magic Man) Believe and make it happen, yeah (Hodgson) ----------------------------------------------------------------- What's Your Game * You ask how I'm doing Well now, I'm doing fine You left our love in ruins But it's just been a matter of time Why d'you care I'd like to know Why d'you care Well you left me, now you say you want to be 'round What's - your - game! What's - your - game! You took so much from me Now you want to give it all back Seems strange the way that you're acting Tell me what you're playing at Why d'you care I'd like to know Why d'you care Well you left me, now you say you want to be 'round Before we play your game, show you the rules ..?.. ..?.. What's - your - game! What's - your - game! You ask how I'm doing Well now, I'm doing fine You left my life in ruins But it's just been a matter of time Why d'you care - I'd like to know - what's your game Why d'you care - I'd like to know - what's your game Why d'you care - I'd like to know - what's your game (Marcangelo) ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Drinking Song Sat in the bar at the station Travellers sit waiting for trains Each to their own destination Saying goodbye to their friends So let us drink to the times we're together Let's not be sad 'bout the times we're apart Wherever you go, and no matter how far Here you'll remain in my heart Train rollin' in at the station She says Must be later than we think Should we pick up your bags and walk to the door? Or maybe just have one more drink? And so we'll drink to the times we're together Let's not be sad 'bout the times we're apart Wherever you go, and no matter how far Here you'll remain in my heart Wish I didn't have to go Wish I didn't have to go Time, please! Have you no homes to go to? You in the suit...OUT! Should we pick up your bags and walk to the door? Or maybe just have one more drink? And we will drink to the times we're together Let's not be sad 'bout the times we're apart Wherever you go, and no matter how far Here you'll remain in my heart Laa, la la laa, la la laa... (Marcangelo) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mirrored Mirror * Walked in the room - what did you see Only the mirror standing before me What did you do - I stood and I stared Watching the finger pointing at me Next to a man - standing alone Trying to tell me he's coming out Wanting to help - towing the line Oh mirrored mirror man help me Oh mirrored mirror man help me I don't know who it was sending Oh mirrored mirror man please defend me Changing our place, - letting me in I'll show you where to begin I was in him - he was in me Watching a thousand tv screens Where's the switch - change the scene See where I'm going - where I've been Staring above - in outer space Well I've seen his face Oh mirrored mirror man help me Oh mirrored mirror man help me I don't know who it was sending Oh mirrored mirror man Starry night ..?.. ..?..on horseback riding alone ..?..back to beyond Carry me back to evermore Oh mirrored mirror man help me Oh mirrored mirror man help me I don't know who it was sending Oh mirrored mirror man please defend me (Hodgson) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hide It * Hand all your money over to me Don't give a thought You'll be in..?.. Come to some..?..right away Come to your senses ..?..we'll both be late Move it - up into the mountains On a mule train - leave not a trace behind Then will you find a..?.. ..?.. When no-one looking Hide it - hide It Hand all your money over to me Don't give a thought You'll be in..?.. Come to some..?..right away Come to your senses ..?..we'll both be late Move it - up into the mountains On a mule train - leave not a trace behind Then will you find a..?.. ..?.. When no-one looking Hide it - hide It (De Albuquerque) ----------------------------------------------------------------- See You In My Pillow * Had a long think today Was something to do Surely I know Was ready to go Wish that I could That I could be with you The clock struck started..?.. It's just another day I'm walking around Trying to make A little bit of sense of it all (Like nothing better on days like today) (On occasions like this than) Sitting here doin' nothing Waiting for the time to go by (Knowing at the end of the day just got to jump in) See You In My Pillow - later tonight See You In My Pillow - later tonight Picked your nose today..?.. The one with the picture Read it right through And read it again But I couldn't find The point you wrote last time The clock struck started..?.. It's time to say goodbye The breakin up here Is always too soon And so and so I'm always too late (Like nothing better on days like today) (On occasions like these than) Sitting here doin' nothing Waiting for the time to go by (Knowing at the end of the day just got to jump in) See You In My Pillow - later tonight See You In My Pillow - later tonight The clock struck started..?.. It's just another day You may not be near But this much I know I'm gonna get to see you tonight See You In My Pillow - later tonight (De Albuquerque) ----------------------------------------------------------------- In The Distance * You're on your own - searching for the highway Where you came from - where you're going You don't know - you don't care Just as long - as you start Here and I walk - through these shadows Passers by don't see their faces Walking through them - lets go by them now? The sun goes down - still the road's a long long way In the distance - lights are shining You can't go now - you're not goin' reach them..?.. It's a long way On your own - on your own - on your own (If you should ever, ever change your mind) (Call on me, I'll be right here by your side) Together we will find the road That leads into the light And hand in hand we'll travel on Don't fear now about - light In the distance - lights are shining We can go there - we can reach them Though it's a long way - you're not alone now Come on let's go now Come on baby (Marcangelo) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Away * It's a new day so clear away All of the past, you know it's faded so fast And when you say you're here to stay Make me a home, never be here alone Never knew a way, expecting the best Living to love, and giving love to the rest And when they say stop having your fun Leading your life always needing a gun Spend a day here, and stay tonight Don't fly away on a bird that's inflight Playing so near, and nothing to fear Breathing the air but we're..?..to share Go it freely..?..feeling the cold No need to rush, such a new way to go Never hear them shouting at you Get them behind at the back of the queue (Kaminski) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Home To Tea And so home to tea! (De Albuquerque) Birmingham Main ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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